News feeds never stop, and the unrelenting 24/7/365 cycle of content ideation and production can quickly burn out comms teams and the thought leaders they support.
But now more social platforms are acknowledging this pain point and tweaking their algorithms to take the pressure off. It's no longer about pushing new content every single day. It's about developing fewer, better posts that provide real value. 🙌
Since last year, LinkedIn has rolled out a series of changes aimed at prioritizing "knowledge and advice" instead of clickbait confessionals aimed at prompting visceral reactions from viewers. (We've all seen these cringe-y posts and there's even an Instagram account dedicated to trolling the worst offenders.)
LI's latest feature – "Suggested Posts" – serves up your how-to content or insightful perspective to users who've engaged meaningfully with stuff that's similar. This could be weeks or months after your original post was published.

In a recent interview with Entrepreneur magazine, a LinkedIn engineer shared that the tech giant "wants to be a more active content matchmaker — recognizing what individual users are interested in, and then surfacing relevant posts regardless of when they were created."
So, what does LinkedIn's latest algorithm change mean for leaders who want to expand their reach on the platform? LinkedIn says it should incentivize users to post content that's actually useful. Think actionable tips, current POVs and advice on how to solve problems or address emerging issues in areas where you're a true subject matter expert. Again, the goal is delivering value.
If you're guilty of posting content that's more personal than service-oriented, there's still time to shift your content and avoid getting trapped in a cycle of low engagement. The "Suggested Post" feature is being tested right now but won't roll out across the platform for some time.